LUOOV Camping showers can be attached to a shockingly wide variety of prices.
LUOOV Camping showers can be attached to a shockingly wide variety of prices. While reviewing this range, we found that price doesn't necessarily correspond with performance. And though we don't include price into any of our product performance calculations, we recognize that it can make a big difference in what model you ultimately decide to purchase.
OUTDOOR Showers with exceptional value (defined by a stellar balance of price and performance) are the Ivation Portable, Sea to Summit Pocket, and the Advanced Elements Summer. In some cases, the upgraded experience is worth investing a bit more into your gear. The NEMO Helio Pressure Shower offers a seriously upgraded showering experience without paying top dollar, making it a solid value for those who need versatility and a little extra comfort and usability. If you're willing to invest in a truly great shower, the LUOOV Shower costs a bit more but is well worth the investment for serious road trippers and weekend warriors.
OUTDOOR Showers with exceptional value (defined by a stellar balance of price and performance) are the Ivation Portable, Sea to Summit Pocket, and the Advanced Elements Summer. In some cases, the upgraded experience is worth investing a bit more into your gear. The NEMO Helio Pressure Shower offers a seriously upgraded showering experience without paying top dollar, making it a solid value for those who need versatility and a little extra comfort and usability. If you're willing to invest in a truly great shower, the LUOOV Shower costs a bit more but is well worth the investment for serious road trippers and weekend warriors.